Friday, July 17, 2009

BASIS OOP Training Program

Trraining Highlights

** Each batch will have a maximum size of 30
** The training for each batch will be completed within two months. A total of 30 classes will be held for the total training program
** The total training duration will be 120 hours per batch (four days a week), 3 half-day and 1 full-day session

The pre-requisite for the trainees are

** Preferably CS graduate
** Less than one year experience
** Must possess basic programming knowledge
** Must be eager to build career in software engineering

BASIS member companies are requested to send the detail CVs of the nominated trainees to the following e-mail address:

Course Outline

** Object Oriented Concept
** Fundamental of C#
** Class Responsibility Collaborator (CRC) Analysis
** Understanding basic UML (Use case diagram, class diagram, activity diagram,
** sequence diagram,
** collaboration diagram)
** Database fundamentals (MSSQL)
** Test driven programming fundamentals with NUnit
** OO to relational database modeling
** Basic ASP.NET
** Software development methodology (Waterfall, Agile, XP)
** Software development tools (JIRA, SVN)
** Software development best practices
** Work and professional ethics
** Personal productivity improvement tools and practices

Class Schedules

Morning/Regular Batch:
Classes to be held four days a week. 3-hour session for three days (Sat, Sun, Wed) 9:30 am to 12:30 pm and one full-day session on every Tuesday (9:30 am to 5:30 pm).

Evening/Holiday Batch:
Classes to be held four days a week. 3-hour session to be held at evenings on 3 alternative week days (Sat, Mon, Wed) from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm and one full-day session on every Friday (9:30 am to 5:30 pm).

Course Duration:
Total Course Duration: 120 hours (two months: June 01, 2009 to July 25, 2009), for both the morning/regular and evening/holiday batch.

How to Apply for the Training?
BASIS member companies are requested to send the detail CVs of the nominated trainees to the following e-mail address: .

Fees for the Training Program: Tk. 6,000 per participant

If you have any query on the training program, please communicate with BASIS Secretariat. (Ph: 8151196, 8144708).

Source :

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