Tuesday, June 30, 2009

জগৎ আপনাকে বাজিয়ে নিতে চায়...

ব্রাউনংয়ের মতে জগতের প্রতি একমাত্র যুক্তিসঙ্গত মনোবৃত্তি হচ্ছে দ্বন্দ্বপরায়নতার।
যে মন নিয়ে প্রিয়ার সঙ্গে মেশা যায়, সে মন নিয়ে সাধারনের সঙ্গে মিশতে গেলে ভুল করা হবে। সাধারনের সঙ্গে সন্বন্ধ দ্বন্দ্বের, মিলনের নয়। এর কারন কি?
ব্রাউনিং বলবেন; জগৎ নিষ্ঠুর বলে।
আমরা বলবো; না, জগৎ আপনাকে আপনার নির্ধারিত মুল্যে গ্রহন করতে চায় না বলে। আপনি চান আপনার অবিমিশ্র প্রশংসা। জগৎ তা দিতে নারাজ। সে আপনাকে বাজিয়ে নিতে চায়। তাই আপনি এমন একটি সঙ্গিনী বেছে নিতে চান যিনি কেবল আপনার প্রশংসাই করবেন, ত্রুটির দিকে তাকাবেন না। এই সমালোচনাহীন প্রেম কিন্তু খুব প্রশংসনীয় ব্যাপার নয়। অপক্ষপাত সমালোচনার শীতল বাতাস সইতে পারা স্বাস্থ্যের লক্ষন। যার সে ক্ষমতা নেই সে দুর্বল, রুগ্ন। তার কাছ থেকে জগৎ তেমন কিছু আশা করতে পারে না। (পৃষ্ঠাঃ ২২)

== সুখ [দুঃখবাদ] ==
# বার্ট্রান্ড রাসেল
অনুবাদঃ মোতাহার হোসেন চৌধুরী

বুকের বামপাশের কষ্ট...

বুকের ডানপাশে একটা ব্যাথা আছে আমার, মাঝে-মাঝে ব্যাথাটা খুব হিংস্র হয়ে ওঠে। বারবার আমাকে মনে করিয়ে দেয় তার অস্তত্বি। তার অবিরাম পদচারনায় আমি বেশ কাহিল হয়ে পরি।

ঠিক এভাবে বুকের বামপাশের ব্যাথাটাতো যন্ত্রনা করেনা, তবু এই ব্যাথাটা সবসময় আমার পাশে থাকে। যেন আমার বুকরে বামপাশেই তার বসতি। আমার কর্মব্যস্ত, চঞ্চল জীবনে ক্ষনিকের জন্য হলেও নীরবতা আনে সে জানিয়ে দেয় - আমারও কষ্ট আছে অসীম। একে আমি কোনদিন ভুলতে পারিনা। এই ব্যাথাটা আমায় কাহলি করেনা, শয্যাশায়ীও করেনা। তবুও ডানপাশটার চেয়ে এটা বেশী সচল।

এই ব্যাথাটা যে দিয়ে গেছে সে কি জানে, আমার বুকের বামপাশের কষ্ট।

নাজেম আহমেদ [আমার বন্ধু] ,
বি.এন কলজে (ঢাকা)

বৃষ্টি বহুদিন থেকে পলাতক......

একেকটা সময় আসে, যখন কারো কারো কাছে
নতজানু হওয়া যায় অসংকোচে
সে মানুষ হোক, বৃক্ষ হোক, কী পাথর
একেকটা সময় আসে, যখন নতজানু হতে হয় অসংকোচে
তখন কোন মানুষ নয়, বৃক্ষ নয়, পাথরও নয়
শুধু এককোনা বৃষ্টি, বৃষ্টির জন্য সুগন্ধ কস্তুরির কাছে
.................................দয়াপ্রার্থী আমি
হাঁটুমুড়ে যুক্ত করকমলে বসে আছি বৃষ্টির জন্য
অথচ বৃষ্টি বহুদিন থেকে পলাতক......

# তারান্নামা মইন তানিয়া

ধাবমান ট্রেনের গল্প....

আমরা কি কোনদিন আর কোন কথা বলবো না ?
এরকম পরস্পর মুখোমুখি বসে থেকে থেকে
ছুটে চলা সময়ের ট্রেনে কোনদিন আবার হবো না মুখরিত ?
কোন কথা বলবো না।

আমরা কি কিছুই কবো না আর ?
আকাশের দেহ থেকে ঝ’রে পড়ে সন্ধ্যার আঁধার-
এসো কথা বোলে উঠি, আমরা ভালোবাসার কথা বলি,
এই নিঃশব্দের দেয়াল ভেঙে এসো আজ স্বপ্নের কথা বলি।

আমাদের প্রিয় কথাগুলো, গল্পগুলো, প্রিয় স্বপ্নগুলো
সেই শৈশবের মতো কতোদিন প্রাণ খুলে বলিনি কোথাও !
আহা, কতোদিন আমরা আমাদের ভালোবাসার কথা বলিনি !

# রুদ্র মুহাম্মদ শহিদুল্লাহ

ক্ষমাহীন গাঢ় এক রূপসীর মুখ ভালোবেসে...

(এই সব ভালো লাগে): জানালার ফাঁক দিয়ে ভোরের সোনালী রোদ এসে
আমারে ঘুমাতে দেখে বিছানায়,- আমার কাতর চোখ, আমার বিমর্ষ ম্লান চুল-
এই নিয়ে খেলা করে; জানে সে যে বহুদিন আগে আমি করেছি কি ভুল
পৃথিবীর সব চেয়ে ক্ষমাহীন গাঢ় এক রূপসীর মুখ ভালোবেসে ;

# জীবনানন্দ দাশ

কুড়ি বছর পরে...

জীবন গিয়েছে চলে আমাদের কুড়ি কুড়ি, বছরের পার-
তখন হঠাৎ যদি মেঠো পথে পাই আমি তোমারে আবার।
হয়তো এসেছে চাঁদ মাঝরাতে একরাশ পাতার পিছনে
সরু-সরু কালো-কালো ডালপালা মুখে নিয়ে তার,
শিরীষের অথবা জামের,
কুড়ি বছরের পরে তখন তোমারে নাই মনে।

জীবন গিয়েছে চ'লে আমাদের কুড়ি-কুড়ি বছরের পার,-
তখন আবার যদি দেখা হয় তোমার আমার।

তখন হয়তো মাঠে হামাগুড়ি দিয়ে পেঁচা নামে-
বাবলার গলির অন্ধকারে
অশথের জানালার ফাঁকে
কোথায় লুকায় আপনাকে।
চোখের পাতার মতো নেমে চুপি কোথায় চিলের ডানা থামে-

সোনালী সোনালী চিল--শিশির শিকার ক'রে নিয়ে গেছে তারে-
কুড়ি বছরের পরে সেই কুয়াশায় পাই যদি হঠাৎ তোমারে।

# জীবনান্দ দাশ

প্রিয় দেশ আমার...

নতুন মন্ত্র আছে আমার, দেশ সাজাবার
নতুন মন্ত্র আছে আমার, তোমায় কাদাঁবার
...বর্ষায় ভিজবো আমি
...রোদেও পুড়বো আমি...মারবো আমি...মরবো আমি...
...তবু তোমায় ছেড়ে যাবো না আমি,
সব পাপ আমার
সব দুঃখ আমার...
...সব কিছুর পর দায়িত্ব আমার...তোমায় গুছাবার...
প্রিয় দেশ আমার...

# নিজের লেখা...

আবার আসিব ফিরে

আবার আসিব ফিরে ধানসিঁড়িটির তীরে- এই বাংলায়
হয়তো মানুষ নয়- হয়তো বা শাঁখচিল শালিকের বেশে,
হয়তো ভোরের কাক হয়ে এই কার্তিকের নবান্নের দেশে
কুয়াশার বুকে ভেসে একদিন আসিব কাঁঠাল ছায়ায়।
হয়তো বা হাঁস কোনো- কিশোরীর- ঘুঙুর রহিবে লাল পায়
সারাদিন কেটে যাবে কল্মীর গন্ধভরা জলে ভেসে ভেসে।
আবার আসিব আমি বাংলার নদী মাঠ ক্ষেত ভালোবেসে
জলঙ্গীর ঢেউএ ভেজা বাংলারই সবুজ করুণ ডাঙ্গায়।

হয়তো দেখিবে চেয়ে সুদর্শন উড়িতেছে সন্ধ্যার বাতাসে।
হয়তো শুনিবে এক লক্ষ্মীপেঁচা ডাকিতেছে শিমূলের ডালে।
হয়তো খৈয়ের ধান সরাতেছে শিশু এক উঠানের ঘাসে।
রূপসার ঘোলা জলে হয়তো কিশোর এক সাদা ছেঁড়া পালে
ডিঙ্গা বায়; রাঙ্গা মেঘ সাঁতরায়ে অন্ধকারে আসিতেছে নীড়ে
দেখিবে ধবল বক; আমারে পাবে তুমি ইহাদের ভীড়ে।

# জীবনানন্দ দাশ

Monday, June 29, 2009

Could Not Connect To Blogger.Com - A Possible Workaround

One possible reason for the odd distribution of the well known pink warning

Could not connect to Blogger.com. Saving and publishing may fail.

or similarly

Cannot View Webpage

may be that it involves several different problems, coming together.

It's possible that Pete Hopkins explains one of the problems as a side effect of the cookies generated by Blogger, some of which are used in post editor.

Cookies are normally small and unassuming, but there's a bit of unusual behavior in that Blogger automatically saves the first few k of your post in a set of cookies as you're typing. That way, if your browser crashes you can use the "recover post" link to get at least the first part of it back. However, the side effect of using cookies in this way is that even though they're only being used (abused?) for local/offline storage, your browser will send the cookies with every request to a blogger.com server.

This might explain why some Bloggers report temporary relief by clearing cache and cookies, and other Bloggers report relief by making shorter posts - Publishing, then editing repeatedly.

Pete continues in his discussion, to suggest a workaround, to block the problem created by the cookies. You'll have a little script, that you'll have to run each time you start a post editor session. You run the little script, having previously saved it as a bookmark (favorite), from your browser.

* Go to Pete's website.
* Make a bookmark from the code that he provides, per his instructions.
* Each time that your browser links to a screen where the Blogger connection testing is done (anywhere you see the pink error message), execute the bookmark, created from Pete's website, after the page has loaded.
* See the WikiPedia article about bookmarklets, for more information.

Various Bloggers have reported mitigation of the well known pink warning, when using Pete's bookmarklet. Give it a shot, and see if it provides you any improvement to your problem.

Solution : stop post backup

Source :
Could Not Connect To Blogger.Com
Pete's website

How to update CA Anti-Virus v9.0 [offline]

How to update CA Anti-Virus v9.0 [offline]

Choose a PC where CA Anti-Virus v9.0 is allready updated by online/internet.
and take those file and folder to update another PC's CA Anti-virus.

1. Go Installed Directory[where CA Anti-virus is allready installed]
My installed dir is [C:\Program Files\CA\CA Internet Security Suite]
2. copy "ccupdate" this folder
3. copy this file "vet.dat" from "CA Anti-Virus" folder

Now take that PC in which you want to update "CA Anti-Virus v9.0" in offline.

1. Go Installed Directory [where CA Anti-virus is allready installed]
as an example [D:\CA\CA Internet Security Suite]
2. paste "ccupdate" this folder
3. paste this file "vet.dat" to "CA Anti-Virus" folder

now, take a look in "Advanced Settings" option to check
-- Last Product Update "signature"

Snapshot as an example :

Others may forget you but never will I…

When night comes then sleep comes,
When sleep comes then dream comes,
When dream comes then you come,
But when you come then sleep and dream never come,
Give a little love, have a little hope,
Make this world a little better,
We can do it together,
And we can make it better only if we try,
People laugh and cry!
Some giveup, Some will try !
Some Say hi while Some Say bye !
Some honest others lie !
Others may forget you but never will I…

Source : Ehsanul Haque's Blog

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Michael Jackson is died in a Los Angeles hosipital

June 25th 2009 - Multiple news sources have annouced that Michael Jackson is dead. He died in a Los Angeles hosipital after suffering a cardiac arrest.

Update 26th June 2009 (UK time) Jermaine Jackson has confirmed Michael Jackson collapsed at his home and was later pounced dead Thursday June 25th 2.26 pm


Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Congratulations to Shakib Al Hasan

This is one of the great moments for Bangladeshi cricket as Shakib Al Hasan has topped the list of ICC’s Top 10 ODI all-rounders. Bangladeshi crickets have made their ways in the ICC top ten list for both ODI and Test in past but this is the first time someone is ranked number 1.

Courtesy – ICC Cricket Ranking (http://www.iccreliancerankings.com/ranking/odi/all-rounder/)

As you can see (screenshot taken from ICC’s official website) Shakib is ranked with 380 points followed by New Zealand’s Jacob Oram and England’s Andrew Flintoff. Shakib also ranks 10 in the list of top 10 Test all-rounders, which is not bad at all. He is younge and performing really well for Bangladesh. I really hope that he keeps up the performance and do the best things for Bangladesh cricket team. I wish him all the best and congratulations.

Source : http://ehsan.bdwebwork.com/

Letter to Employees

Dear Employees,

Due to the current financial situation caused by the slowdown in the economy, Management has decided to implement a scheme to put workers of 50 years of age and above on early retirement.

This scheme will be known as RAPE (Retire Aged People Early).

Persons selected to be RAPED can apply to management to be considered for the SHAFT scheme (Special Help After Forced Termination).

Persons who have been RAPED and SHAFTED will be reviewed under the SCREW programme (Scheme Covering Retired-Early Workers).

A person may be RAPED once, SHAFTED twice and SCREWED as many times as Management deems appropriate.

Persons who have been RAPED could get AIDS (Additional Income for Dependants & Spouse) or HERPES (Half Earnings for Retired Personnel Early Severance).

Obviously persons who have AIDS or HERPES will not be SHAFTED or SCREWED any further by Management.

Persons who are not RAPED and are staying on will receive as much SHIT(Special High Intensity Training) as possible. Management has always prided itself on the amount of SHIT it gives employees.

Should you feel that you do not receive enough SHIT, please bring this to the attention of your Supervisor, who has been trained to give you all the SHIT you can handle.



Due to recent budget cuts and the rising cost of electricity, gas and oil,as well as current market conditions, the Light at the End of the Tunnel has been turned off. We apologize for the inconvenience

Source : http://ehsan.bdwebwork.com/

Friday, June 19, 2009

Tips for the budding PHP developer

The ease of learning PHP and the trivial deployment of PHP applications (just upload and go) has resulted in everyone’s cousin coding with it and the accompanying impression of being a ‘toy’ language.

The following tips should help the aspiring PHP professional stand out from the crowd:

* Step away from Dreamweaver
To write PHP code efficiently, you need an IDE designed for PHP. If most of your work is with HTML and CSS, you won’t find a better editor than Dreamweaver but if you primarily write PHP code, a PHP editor with features like real time error detection, source control integration, code completion, refactoring support, debugging and built-in unit testing helps big time.
After using Zend Studio for a while now, I am a convert and the version 6.1 is really awesome.

* Get Certified
Writing the PHP certification exam forces you to read up on stuff you my not have come across in your day to day programming. The increased your employability is also a very welcome side effect.

* Use version control
You can thank me later – specifically when your client calls you up at 9 o’clock in the evening to tell you he’s overwritten some of the files you uploaded to his server.
Git is the current version control golden boy but I’ve found Subversion to be stable and effective. Online version control services (e.g. Springloops, Github, CVSDude and Beanstalk) have also reduced the barrier to entry and there’s now to excuse not to do source control.

* Develop locally
Repeat after me – ‘I will not edit code on the production server’. It is essential to have a webserver running on your development machine. All code can be tested rigorously before being deployed to the production server (from the source control repository, obviously). WampServer and Xampp for Windows and Mamp for the Mac take the stress off setting up a local web server. Use one of them.
News Flash! – You don’t have to use Windows. Using a desktop Linux flavour (my choice is Ubuntu) gives you an environment as close as possible to your production server (assuming the PHP installation is on a Linux server – most are) and setting up webservers, virtual hosts and the like on these systems is also a lot easier (due partially to the massive amount of information on the internet).

* Don’t just write it, learn it
It’s amazing how much you can still learn even after working with PHP for years. Programming involves continuously updating your knowledge and skill-set and online resources and books should feature in your everyday work life. The PHP manual and Google are your friends.

* Learn a web framework
A web framework will speed up your code. Common plumbing tasks are already included and you just need to write code specific to your application. Choose one and learn it well.
Which to choose? It depends. For the programmer just getting into OOP and frameworks, CodeIgniter is the easiest to learn but the rigidity of the CakePHP framework may also appeal. My personal preference is a combination of CodeIgniter and the Zend Framework.

* Comment your code
The guy who gets to maintain your code after you will find you and hit you over the head with a big stick if you don’t comment your code. Coming back to your code after a while, chances are you won’t understand what some of the code you wrote is supposed to do.
That said, most of the comments I write adhere to the PHP Documentor standard and I try not to add comments within method blocks but rely on the doc blocks to show intent (thus avoiding the issue of stale comments – changing implementation code and ‘forgetting’ to change the comments). This also has the side effect of forcing me to keep my methods focused, which is good.

* Test Drive your code
You need to do unit testing. Test Driven Development gives you a safety harness when making changes to already working code and a criteria for certifying a piece of code as working.
PHPUnit and SimpleTest are most commonly used for PHP unit testing.

Source : http://avnetlabs.com/php/tips-for-the-budding-php-developer

Windows 7 Transformation Pack For Windows XP

Microsoft has officially confirmed that Windows 7 (Codenamed Vienna) is not going to be released until early 2010, However, fresh rumors claim the release date to be June 3, 2009 - whatever the case maybe, we are not going to see the new OS anytime soon, so here we have another cool Windows Vienna Transformation Pack for Windows XP.

The massive 60 MB Vienna Transformation Pack v 3.0 lets you transform your Windows computer to a brand new, never seen before look.

Winodws 7/Vienna Transformation Pack Features :

* Vienna Navigator.
* Cool Superbar.
* Windows 7 Visual Styles.
* Sounds.
* Windows 7 wallpapers.
* Cursor Set.
* Windows Vienna Logon Screen.
* Windows Vienna Bootskin.
* All the required applications to apply these effects.

Download Windows Vienna Transformation Pack v 3.0 [Size : 59.2 MB]>>

Source : http://www.megaleecher.net/Download_Windows_7_Codenamed_Vienna_Transformation_Theme_Pack

Windows 7 Theme for Windows XP

We are not going to get our hands on much anticipated Microsoft Windows 7 anytime soon, but we can enjoy the look and feel now on our Windows XP & Vista system's using the "Windows 7 Desktop Theme", Since not much details about the upcoming OS is available, the theme looks very similar to Windows Vista but provide some nice refreshing changes to the same old look.

To install:

1. Download Windows 7 Theme here >>
2. Install "UXTheme Multi-Patcher 6.0.exe" from "UX Theme Patcher" folder.
3. Double-click "Windows 7 M1 VS.msstyles" in "Theme\Windows 7 M1 VS" folder to install.

Source : http://www.megaleecher.net/Download_Windows_7_Theme

Ubuntu Customization Pack For Windows XP

Windows Theme Customization packs are popular these days, You must have got bored by that look now, so here we have another cool Ubuntu theme pack for windows XP, once again from the artist's at DevianArt doing a marvelous job of providing us fresh new customization packs for Windows.

The Ubuntu customization pack contains various component packs including visual styles, Icons, Boot Screen, Cursors, Logon UI, Wallpapers, Screensaver, ubuntu sounds, Clock, 3D Desktop manager and much more for the perfect Ubuntu feel on your windows XP desktop.

1. Download Ubuntu Customization Pack pack Here [26.1 MB].
2. Extract all files/folders from the zip.
3. Follow instructions provided in "How To Use.txt"

Source : http://www.megaleecher.net/Ubuntu_Customization_Pack_For_Windows_XP

Make Your Old Firefox Extensions Work With Firefox 3

Firefox 3 is released but most of the extensions are still not compatible with the new browser, here is a little hack to get your must have extensions work with the new browser, but before proceeding do keep in mind that this can be risky and may render your browser insecure, so proceed on your own risk, I tried it myself and everything works fine, All of my favorite addons like - Linkify, Rapidshare Link Finder, Remove Cookies etc. are working perfectly.

Follow the steps below, in-case something goes wrong a solution is also provided at the end of the post:

1. Type about:config in address bar and press Enter.
2. Now Right-click anywhere, Select New>Boolean, name the new config value extensions.checkCompatibility and set it to false.
3. Make another new boolean value as above with name extensions.checkUpdateSecurity and set the value to false.
4. Restart Firefox.

In very rare cases your browser might not start or crash due to incompatibility, simply start the browser in Safe Mode and revert back the setting or try enabling extensions one by one to see what works and what not.

Source : http://www.megaleecher.net/Firefox_3_Compatibility

Firefox Tweak To Enable In-Line Spell Check In All Textboxes And Webforms

By default Firefox's in-line spell checker does not work in all text-boxes and forms and you need to right-click and select “Spell check this field” to manually start spell-check, however this behavior can be automatically activated by following the steps provided below.

1. Type about:config in your Firefox address bar and press Enter.
2. Type layout.spell in filter text box.
3. Change the value to 2 as shown below.

Source : http://www.megaleecher.net/Firefox_Tweaking

How To Disable Balloon Tips in Windows XP?

Here are two simple methods to get rid of annoying Windows XP balloon popup's :

* Registry Hack Method
1. Press Windows Key + R
2. Type regedit.exe and press enter.
3. Navigate to key - HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced
4. right-Click and create a new DWORD value called EnableBalloonTips
5. Give it a decimal value of 0 (zero)
6. OK and Exit, Restart system and balloon tips should be gone.

* Group Policy Editor Method
1. Press Windows Key + R
2. Type GPEDIT.MSC and press enter.
3. Navigate to User Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Start Menu & Taskbar
4. Double-click "Remove Balloon Tips on Start Menu Items" and choose Enabled.
5. OK and close GPEDIT.
6. Restart system and balloon tips should be gone.

Source : http://www.megaleecher.net/Disable_XP_Balloon_Tips

Tweak Firefox and IE for Faster Browsing

SpeedUp Firefox Browsing:

Type “about:config” in the address bar and press ENTER key.

Scroll down and look for the entries below and alter entries as follows:

1. Set “network.http.pipelining” To “true”
2. Set “network.http.proxy.pipelining” To “true”
3. Set “network.http.pipelining.maxrequests” to any number say 25. This settings decides how many concurrent requests/connections the browser can make to a server, Please keep in mind that using a high value can trigger flood control limits on some servers and you can be denied access to the website.
4. Right-click and select New-> Integer. Name the new value “nglayout.initialpaint.delay” and set value to “0”. This value decides the amount of time the firefox waits before it acts on information it receives and displays it.

Without this tweak the browser will make one request to a web page at a time, When you enable pipelining it will make several requests at once, which speeds up page loading time.

SpeedUp Internet Explorer Browsing:

1. Download this Registry tweak file and double click to Execute.
2. Restart I.E and its done.

SpeedUp Internet Explorer Startup:

Here is how to do it:

1. Find your Internet Explorer shortcut, right click it and choose Properties.
2. Click the Shortcut tab.
3. Add suffix -nohome in the target field, it should look like this: "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" -nohome.
4. Click Apply.
5. Restart Internet Explorer, and see the difference.

Note: Work only if you open IE from this particular tweaked shortcut.

Source : http://www.megaleecher.net/Tweak_Firefox_IE_For_Faster_Browsing

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

New Firefox Extension 'Cluster Tabs' Promises Efficient Way To Get Rid Of Tab Overload

Tab overload and its performance impact on system is a big annoyance most Firefox users experience, While there have been Firefox extensions like TooManyTabs to get rid of this tab-overload but none actually addressed the problem in a more practical way then the brand new Firefox addon Cluster Tabs for Firefox does, the addon allows users to easily create and save group of Firefox tabs as clusters unloading them from memory allowing easy retrieval later-on.

The best part is that every cluster has a unique anonymous cluster URL which can be shared with friends and published on internet like this.

Cluster Tabs for Firefox Features :

* Tabs held within a cluster tab stop using memory resulting in faster performance.
* Tabs within a cluster tab retain history which means that you can carry on from where you left off. Close any tab and it will return to the cluster tab it came from.
* Your history is private.??History in tabs within Cluster URLs is retained in your browser only. No one sees anyone else’s history.
* When you add or remove tabs from a cluster you did not create yourself, a copy is made for you and a new clusterURL is spun out into the web.
* No sign up, simply install and go. Cluster tabs for Firefox and clusterurl.com are anonymous and free.

You can install Cluster Tabs from our Power User firefox addon collection here.

Source : http://www.megaleecher.net/Firefox_Tabs

Microsoft Bangladesh introduces DST

Microsoft Bangladesh announced a patch based fix to address the Day Light Saving Time (DST), which is supposed to be effective in Bangladesh from June 19th at 11PM on Monday. This fix can be downloaded from Microsoft's corporate website by going to here and will be applicable to Computers running on Microsoft operating systems like Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2003.

Users have to download the .msi file from the given website, run it and then choose "(GMT+06:00) DHAKA" option from the "Time Zone Settings" instead of "Astana, Dhaka" and check on the "AUTOMATICALLY ADJUST CLOCK FOR DAY LIGHT SAVING TIME" to enable DST. This would automatically adjust the clock on June 19th at 11PM from when the DST would be effective.

Source : IT Report [The New Nation]

An optional update is available to update the Daylight Saving Time for Bangladesh for the year 2009 for Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 based computers

Problem description
According to an announcement from the Bangladesh government, the Bangladesh cabinet has decided to advance Bangladesh Standard Time by one hour from 23:00:00 June 19th to save electricity during evening peak hours. The clock will move one hour forward at 23:00:00 on June 19th. No DST end date has been announced yet. There was no DST for Bangladesh prior to this announcement.

Please be aware that if the government of Bangladesh determines an end date for DST after this KB has been published, that DST End date will not be reflected in this Microsoft Fix it solution.

More Information
This update creates a separate time zone for Bangladesh with the following DST setting:

* DST starts at 23:00:00 on June 19th, 2009
* DST ends at 23:00:00 on December 31st, 2009*

* Note The TZI value in the registry requires DST end date and time, thus Dec 31st, 2009 is set for now until future changes overwrite it.

This Fix it Solution adds the following to the Time zone: drop down in Date and Time settings: (GMT +06:00) Dhaka in addition to (GMT +06:00) Astana, Dhaka.

To have us update the DST for Bangladesh for you, go to the "Fix it for me" section. To update the DST for Bangladesh yourself, go to the "Let me fix it myself" section.

Fix it for me
To update the DST for Bangladesh automatically, do the following:

1. Click the Fix it button or link. Click Run in the File Download dialog box, and then follow the steps in the Fix it wizard.

Fix this problem [MicrosoftFixit50280.msi]

2. After the Fix it Solution is applied you must set your time zone to (GMT +06:00) Dhaka in the Date and Time settings in the Control Panel for your machine to use the new DST settings.

Note This Fix it solution works for all languages. However, for some languages, the wizard text may be in English.

Note If you are not on the computer that has the problem, save the Fix it solution to a flash drive or to a CD, and then run it on the computer that has the problem.

Next, go to the "Did this fix the problem?" section.

Let me fix it myself
To update the DST for Bangladesh yourself, follow the instructions described in KB914387. For more information, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
914387 How to configure daylight saving time for Microsoft Windows operating systems

Did this fix the problem?


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More Details : Microsift Help and Support

Warez Definations

A file that is created from an image of a CD. You can make an iso yourself with a program such as Adaptec Easy CD Creator, or you can burn an ISO file to a CD-R to create a copy of a CD.

Bin/cue files:
These are also used to create an image of a CD. Most people burn these with CdrWin or Fireburner. The .bin file contains all the data for the cd, the .cue file is just a small file in text format telling the software exactly how to burn the data onto the CD.

Don't know what these are? What cave have you been you living in? This is a format used to compress music files. You can create your own by encoding .wav files ripped from audio CDs. There are many free players that will play mp3s for you (see the Winamp tutorial)

Ace files:
These are used to compress/archive data. Use WinAce to decompress them, or to make your own. The normal format for ace files is to have .ace, .c01, .c01, etc.

Rar files:
Another compression/archive format. This is most commonly used on iso or bin files in order to split them up into smaller files (15 MB is the norm). Winrar and many other utilities can decompress these. Rar files are usually in the format .rar, .r01, .r02, etc. But don't be surprised if you don't see a .rar file. Just open up winrar and point it to .r01. You also may see them packed as .001, .002, etc. (maybe with a .rar, maybe not)

This is an FTP that has left on anonymous access. Many are owned by large companies, so they have a lot of bandwidth. This makes it possible for one person to send files there and many people can download them at once =) These are found by scanning ranges of ips (see the FTP tutorial). Just remember, like the name says, these are public. Just because you upload something there or make directories with your name does not make it 'your pub'. At the same time, realize that if you come across a pub with another person/groups stuff on it that it may be in use to build other pubs from - so don't ruin it for many people by deleting stuff you find there. For more on this, go read some posts on our Bulletin Board.

A system that is set up to forward packets... There are many different kinds, check out the proxy tutorial for more info. Basically, a proxy server helps cover up your tracks because you connect to remote computers through the proxy. Think of it as the condom of the Internet

SFV Files/ CRC Checks:
SFV files contain information about files that they accompany. You can preform a CRC check on the files using a program such as WinSFV. This compares the information in the SFV file to the file itself. If the information doesn't match, then the file was probably messed up in transfer somehow.. try downloading it again, from a different source if possible.

Latest software releases.

Same as above, although the period of time between ripping a game or application and it appearing on a warez site is even shorter.

Ace File:
The first file in a series of compressed archives (the one you double click on to decompress all the files at once).

Active List:
Similar to a mailing list, but uses ICQ to send instant messages to subscribers.

Software receives this label when it is in the very early stages of development. Usually full of bugs, so don't touch it with a barge pole.

A system which uses cgi scripts to prevent people stealing links and then taking the credit for uploading the files.

Short for applications. For example Flash 5 or GoLie 5.5.

ASF File:
The worst quality movie file format (still pretty good though), much smaller in size than dat or mpg.

Banner Site:
Password and username restricted FTP site. To get the correct login details you must click on several banners.

An acronym for Business Software Alliance, an organisation who are responsible for enforcing anti-piracy litigation. Similar groups in charge of controlling software "theft" include the SIIA, SPA and ELSPA.

Many people read about BSODs on bulletin boards and think that they're being insulted, but there is no need to get paranoid. It is actually an acronym for "Blue Screen Of Death". These can occur for a multitude of reasons (old Bill likes to keep us guessing!) and are the bane of PC user's lives.

Bulletin Board:
A virtual meeting place on the web similar to a chat room except that it isn't in real time. One person leaves a message then others come along, read it and add a reply. Each new discussion is called a new topic or thread and has it's own link. Whenever a new topic is created the older topics are pushed one place downwards in the list. When someone replies to an older topic it is brought back to the top of the list.

C?? File:
File extension that indicates that a file is part of an .ace or .rar series of compressed files.

Cgi Scripts:
These are referrers which are used in url’s. When you click on a link with a ?cgi reference you are directed to a sponsor’s website or an anti-leech protected file.

A tiny text file (usually less than 1kb), which is stored on your hard drive when you visit a web site. These are used to remember who you are so that you can access members only areas on the site without having to type in a password every time or to retain your personalised settings so that they are available the next time you visit.

Someone who is involved in the logistics of delivering new releases directly from the release groups themselves to FTP sites.

A tiny executable file that is used to transform a shareware program into the full version. Also used to remove any copy protection from the main executable of games (this will already have been done in "ripped" warez games).

CRC Error:
These can occur when you try to decompress a file that has become corrupt during the downloading process, usually as a result of too much resuming.

The amount of data you are permitted to download from a ratio site. The more credits you have the more software you are allowed to download.

A quick way of referring to "Download Accelerator Plus", a free download manager that claims to speed up file transfers by up to three hundred per cent. It works by making multiple connections to the same file and is paid for by revolving advertising banners.Also supports resume. **EDITOR'S PICK**

DAT File:
File format used for movies, identical in quality and size to mpg as far as I can tell.

The lazy way of referring to the Dreamcast, Sega's latest console incarnation.

Unpacking many files that have been stored in a single archive.

A concise means of referring to a distribution FTP site. These are huge storage areas which act as a springboard for the transfer of new releases. Their whereabouts are never public disclosed to aid their survival rate. You can think of them as the initial source from which warez emanates.

Direct Downloads
Links to actual files rather than other warez sites or pages. These are usually gathered together from many different sites and put on one page for your convenience.

Movies ripped from a DVD using the DivX video codecs. Can be played back using Media Player.

DIZ File:
Short for description. Very brief text file found in warez archives stating the title of the software, the number of files that makes up the set and the group who released it.

Download (or DL):
Copying files from a web server or FTP site to your computer using a modem.

An application that simulates another computer system or console using your PC.

Stands for Frequently Asked Questions.

Abbreviation for "Files Anywhere", a popular, free web storage service.

File Transfer Protocol (FTP):
The method used to transfer files from one computer to another using a modem.

A general net term for "verbally" attacking someone. This can be done via email, bulletin board, chat room or any medium which involves communication across the web.

Virtual hard drive storage area on the web. Free to join and anything and everything can be uploaded or downloaded.

Unrestricted software that is downloaded from the net and is completely free to use. Often paid for using advertising.

FTP Client / Browser:
A program used to access, upload and download data from FTP sites.

The art of transferring data from one Ftp site to another using the connection speed of the slower of the two computers.

Pretty self-explanatory this one.

One of the best download managers available.

A piece of software is said to have gone gold when the final version is complete and it is ready to ship to the public.

Another excellent download manager.

Gaining access to a remote computer without the authorisation to do so. Usually for the purposes of stealing confidential information or the malicious destruction of data.

Repeatedly trying to access an FTP site using an FTP client or download manager.

Stands for "Hypertext Transfer Protocol". The method you use to view a web page. Always comes before the address of a website in your Url bar.

Derives from the term "I Seek You" and is used for real time chat and transferring files over the internet.

IP Address:
A series of numbers separated by dots used to identify your computer on the Internet.

Stands for "Instant Relay Chat". Used for real time chat and transferring files over the Internet.

An exact copy of an original CD, all the multimedia bits and pieces are uncut and therefore they are extremely large and awkward to download.

Html scripts used to add functionality to or bring web pages alive. These include animation (such as the title graphic on my main page), menus, chat rooms, buttons, pop ups and so on.

Key Generator:
A tiny executable program that is capable of creating a serial number from a specified username. These are specific to particular applications or utilities, so a serial number created with one key generator will only work for the program for which the key generator was developed.

An annoying and overused general derogatory term used to insult/put down anyone and everything.

Downloading files without giving anything back in return or copying other people’s links.

An exact copy of a web site that is stored on a different server. Using multiple locations for warez sites allows the site to be accessed using a different address if the main site is deleted.

Very common website sponsor found on warez sites. They don’t mind their banners being used on illegal software sites because their products are one of the “grey areas” of the law. Modchips are small pieces of electronic circuitry which allow copied games to be played on your Playstation. If a Playstation has been fitted with a Modchip it is said to have been "chipped".

MP3 File:
Compressed music file format. Average track size is between 3 and 4 meg compared to 40-ish meg in wav format.

MPG File:
The best quality and largest movie file format.

Multi Web Space Faker:
A tool used to create lots of free web space accounts simultaneously.

Name Zero:
An organisation that offers free website domain names. The main drawbacks are that you have to put up with a very bulky banner residing at the bottom of your page and the fact that you never actually own your chosen address.

NFO File:
Short for info or information. Basic text file containing all the important details relating to a particular release, such as number of files, release date, copy protection system, installation instructions etc.

A release is said to be nuked if it is completely unplayable. Usually when this happens another group re-releases the particular game, although fixes do sometimes follow on to rescue the game from trash can.

An acronym for Original Equipment Manufacturer. OEM software products are repackaged versions of the full retail product. They are often re-branded to suit the needs of the particular vender and are much more reasonable priced because they lack excessive packaging and a hard copy of the manual.

Not strictly a warez term this one, but one that you are likely to come across while searching for MP3 music. It stands for original soundtrack (movie music).

We all know games and applications aren't perfect. When they are released we would hope that they have been thoroughly tested for bugs and incompatibility problems, but you can guarantee that many of these will still slip through the quality control net. Once the program is released to the general public, the bug reports start to flood in. A patch is a downloadable executive file which takes these reports into account and attempts to incorporate all the fixes for these known problems. A patch can resolve incompatibility problems, prevent crashes or improve the performance of a piece of software.

The replication and distribution of videos or computer software.

Irritating browser windows that open automatically when you visit a warez site. Usually contain voting portals or porn sites.

A port is a term used when referring to FTP sites and is an essential extension of the address used to access them. If the port number of an FTP site isn't specified the default setting of 21 will automatically be used.

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away someone posted a request for porn on a bulletin board, only, because of a typing error what he ended up asking for was "pron". Since then this has become a bit of a running joke and so it is now deliberately misspelled.

A third party server which acts as an anonymous go between whenever you request a web page or contact a remote server. The message from your computer is first sent through the proxy server before being relayed to the final destination so that it appears as though the request has come from the IP address of the proxy server rather than you. Used when you wish to maintain your privacy on the net or speed up your connection (much more detailed info on this subject in the "more tips" section).

A quick way of referring to the Sony Playstation.

A free for all FTP site where anonymous access is permitted.

Pub Scanner:
Someone who scours the net for anonymous access FTP sites which permit the creation and deletion of files. These are then exploited by uploading software for others to share.

Pub Stealer:
Someone who posts the IP address of a public FTP site which they themselves have not built. Some pub stealers justify this by claiming that the elitism of private FXP groups discriminates against those people who do not have access, yet others simply post other people's work to try to claim the credit for themselves. Either way though, pub stealers are despised by the FXP groups and praised by those who would otherwise not have access to them.

Rar File:
The first file in a series of compressed archives (the one you double click on to decompress all the files at once). Usually decompressed using a program called Winrar.

Release Groups:
A group of people who are involved in cracking and / or ripping software and then repackaging it into easily downloadable segments.

Two numbers separated by a semi-colon. Indicates how much data you must upload to an FTP site before you are permitted to download anything.

Reg File:
Tiny file that adds essential configuration details into the registry.

The ability to stop and start downloading / uploading a file whenever you choose without having to start from the beginning again.

Software that has had all the non-essential gubbins removed to reduce its size. Videos and music are always the first casualties.

A release is branded with this term if it has been damaged beyond repair during the ripping process.

RM File:
Shorthand for Real Media, a file format used to encode video sequences, which can only be played back using the "Real Player". Video clips produced using this format are not of the highest quality, but do have the advantage of a small file size.

Games which are designed for other platforms, but are played on the PC using an emulator.

A valid username and password that is saved as a basic text file and is used to register a shareware program and therefore remove all the restrictions.

Try before you buy software downloaded from the net.

Unsolicited junk e-mail. Supposedly stands for "Stupid Person's Annoying Message".

To make some money webmasters can place adverts on their sites. Each time you click on these adverts or banners they get paid a few cents for bringing potential customers to the sponsors website.

Surfer Friendly (SF):
Surfer friendly sites supposedly have no blind links, pop-ups or porn banners. Don't be fooled by this label though as some sites will tell you fibs to get you to visit them.

Sys Op:
The person who has the responsibility for running the computer from which an FTP site has been established. When warez is uploaded to public FTP sites and then suddenly goes "Missing In Action" you can often lay the blame at the door of the Sys Op who has an obligation to make sure his/her server stays within the boundaries of the law (i.e. warez free).

Top List:
Chart which lists in rank order the best warez sites. Worked out on the basis of votes.

Swapping warez, file for file via FTP, ICQ etc. Not usually approved of by the real warez community who believe that warez should be freely distributed. To put it simply, it is not the "warez way".

A small, executable program which sits in your taskbar while you play a game. Hotkeys are associated with cheat commands so that when they are pressed you are given extra ammo, weapons, lives or the ability to toggle between invincible/mortal modes etc etc.

Nasty virus like attachments which can be merged with executable files. These are tiny so are unlikely to arouse suspicion. When run they allow a hacker to access your computer and wreak havoc. Can occasionally be found in warez files.

Shorthand for Ultimate Bulletin Board, currently the most popular script used for creating warez bulletin boards.

UBB Hacks:
This term falsely gives the impression that something destructive or malicious is involved, but when you hear people talking about a hack in the context of bulletin boards they are simply referring to code which helps to improve the functionality of a board. For example a "thread hack" would effect the way in which individual threads look and operate.

Undeletable Pub:
An anonymous access, public FTP site where the permission attributes are set to allow uploads and downloads, but do not permit deletion.

Unpacking or decompressing many files that have been stored in a single archive. Technically only used when talking about zip files.

Copying files from your computer to a web server or FTP site using a modem.

Stands for "Uniform Resource Locator". The web site address you type into your browser.

Members of the warez scene are very keen to reach the number one slot of top lists such as Voodoo, Top 60 etc. and will therefore encourage you to vote for their site to improve their position and get the credit they deserve (or not as the case may be!).

Full version software that is uploaded to the internet and is available for free download.

Warez Board:
Bulletin board used by the warez community to share links and discuss anything related to warez.

Another utility used for decompressing all the common archive formats. Not great in my opinion. See below for a better one.

Utility used for decompressing .rar files and much more.

An essential tool used to decompress warez files.

A common compression format used to store warez .

Windows XP Hidden Application

To run any of these apps go to Start > Run and type the executable name (ie charmap).


1) Character Map = charmap.exe (very useful for finding unusual characters)

2) Disk Cleanup = cleanmgr.exe

3) Clipboard Viewer = clipbrd.exe (views contents of Windows clipboard)

4) Dr Watson = drwtsn32.exe (Troubleshooting tool)

5) DirectX diagnosis = dxdiag.exe (Diagnose & test DirectX, video & sound cards)

6) Private character editor = eudcedit.exe (allows creation or modification of characters)

7) IExpress Wizard = iexpress.exe (Create self-extracting / self-installing package)

8) Microsoft Synchronization Manager = mobsync.exe (appears to allow synchronization of files on the network for when working offline. Apparently undocumented).

9) Windows Media Player 5.1 = mplay32.exe (Retro version of Media Player, very basic).

10) ODBC Data Source Administrator = odbcad32.exe (something to do with databases)

11) Object Packager = packager.exe (to do with packaging objects for insertion in files, appears to have comprehensive help files).

12) System Monitor = perfmon.exe (very useful, highly configurable tool, tells you everything you ever wanted to know about any aspect of PC performance, for uber-geeks only )

13) Program Manager = progman.exe (Legacy Windows 3.x desktop shell).

14) Remote Access phone book = rasphone.exe (documentation is virtually non-existant).

15) Registry Editor = regedt32.exe [also regedit.exe] (for hacking the Windows Registry).

16) Network shared folder wizard = shrpubw.exe (creates shared folders on network).

17) File siganture verification tool = sigverif.exe

18) Volume Contro = sndvol32.exe (I've included this for those people that lose it from the System Notification area).

19) System Configuration Editor = sysedit.exe (modify System.ini & Win.ini just like in Win98! ).

20) Syskey = syskey.exe (Secures XP Account database - use with care, it's virtually undocumented but it appears to encrypt all passwords, I'm not sure of the full implications).

21) Microsoft Telnet Client = telnet.exe

22) Driver Verifier Manager = verifier.exe (seems to be a utility for monitoring the actions of drivers, might be useful for people having driver problems. Undocumented).

23) Windows for Workgroups Chat = winchat.exe (appears to be an old NT utility to allow chat sessions over a LAN, help files available).

24) System configuration = msconfig.exe (can use to control starup programs)

25) gpedit.msc used to manage group policies, and permissions

Trojan Ports

TCP 1 Breach.2001, SocketsDeTroie.230, SocketsDeTroie.250
TCP 28 Amanda.200
TCP 31 MastersParadise.920
TCP 68 Subseven.100
TCP 142 NetTaxi.180
TCP 146 Infector.141, Intruder.100, Intruder.100
TCP 171 ATrojan.200
TCP 285 WCTrojan.100
TCP 286 WCTrojan.100
TCP 334 Backage.310
TCP 370 NeuroticKat.120, NeuroticKat.130
TCP 413 Coma.109
TCP 420 Breach.450
TCP 555 Id2001.100, PhaseZero.100, StealthSpy.100
TCP 623 Rtb666.160
TCP 660 Zaratustra.100
TCP 661 Noknok.800, Noknok.820
TCP 666 BackConstruction.210, BackConstruction.250, Bla.100, Bla.200, Bla.400, Bla.503, Cain.150, Dimbus.100, Noknok.820, Ripper.100, SatansBackdoor.100, SatansBackdoor.101, SatansBackdoor.102, Unicorn.100, Unicorn.101, Unicorn.110
TCP 667 SniperNet.210, Snipernet.220
TCP 668 Unicorn.101, Unicorn.110
TCP 680 Rtb666.160
TCP 777 Tiny.100, Undetected.230, Undetected.300, Undetected.310, Undetected.320, Undetected.330, Undetected.331, Undetected.332
TCP 785 NetworkTerrorist.100
TCP 800 NeuroticKitten.010
TCP 831 NeuroticKat.100, NeuroticKat.120, NeuroticKat.130
TCP 901 NetDevil.130, NetDevil.140
TCP 1000 DerSpaeher.200
TCP 1001 Silencer.100
TCP 1008 AutoSpy.100
TCP 1010 DerSpaeher.200
TCP 1015 Doly.150
TCP 1111 TPort.100
TCP 1130 Noknok.800, Noknok.820
TCP 1207 SoftWAR.100
TCP 1243 Subseven.100, SubSeven.110, SubSeven.180, SubSeven.190, Subseven.200
TCP 1245 VoodooDoll.006
TCP 1269 Matrix.130
TCP 1480 RemoteHack.130
TCP 1568 RemoteHack.100, RemoteHack.110
TCP 1600 DirectConnection.100
TCP 1601 DirectConnection.100
TCP 1602 DirectConnection.100
TCP 1634 NetCrack.100
TCP 1784 Snid.120, Snid.212
TCP 1999 TransmissionScout.100, TransmissionScout.110
TCP 2000 ATrojan.200, InsaneNetwork.400
TCP 2001 DIRT.220, TrojanCow.100
TCP 2003 TransmissionScout.100, TransmissionScout.110
TCP 2023 RipperPro.100
TCP 2040 InfernoUploader.100
TCP 2115 Bugs.100
TCP 2140 DeepThroat.100, DeepThroat.200, DeepThroat.310
TCP 2332 SilentSpy.202
TCP 2589 Dagger.140
TCP 2600 DigitalRootbeer.100
TCP 2989 Rat.200
TCP 3128 MastersParadise.970
TCP 3129 MastersParadise.920, MastersParadise.970
TCP 3150 DeepThroat.100, DeepThroat.200, DeepThroat.310, MiniBacklash.110
TCP 3215 BlackStar.100, Ghost.230
TCP 3333 Daodan.123
TCP 3410 OptixPro.100, OptixPro.110
TCP 3456 Force.155, TerrorTrojan.100
TCP 3505 AutoSpy.130, AutoSpy.140
TCP 3586 Snid.120, Snid.212
TCP 3700 PortalOfDoom.100
TCP 3723 Mantis.100
TCP 3800 Eclypse.100
TCP 3996 RemoteAnything.364
TCP 4000 SkyDance.220, SkyDance.229
TCP 4201 Wartrojan.160, Wartrojan.200
TCP 4225 SilentSpy.202
TCP 4321 Bobo.100
TCP 4444 AlexTrojan.200, Crackdown.100
TCP 4488 EventHorizon.100
TCP 4523 Celine.100
TCP 4545 InternalRevise.100, RemoteRevise.150
TCP 4567 FileNail.100
TCP 4666 Mneah.100
TCP 4950 ICQTrojan.100
TCP 5005 Aladino.060
TCP 5025 Keylogger.WMRemote.100
TCP 5031 NetMetro.104
TCP 5032 NetMetro.104
TCP 5033 NetMetro.104
TCP 5050 RoxRat.100
TCP 5151 OptixLite.020, OptixLite.030, OptixLite.040
TCP 5190 MBomber.100
TCP 5277 WinShell.400
TCP 5343 WCRat.100
TCP 5400 BackConstruction.120, BackConstruction.150, BladeRunner.080, DeepThroat.300
TCP 5401 BackConstruction.120, BackConstruction.150, BackConstruction.210, BackConstruction.250, BladeRunner.080, DeepThroat.300, Mneah.100
TCP 5402 BackConstruction.210, BackConstruction.250, BladeRunner.080, DeepThroat.300, Mneah.100
TCP 5534 TheFlu.100
TCP 5550 XTCP.200, XTCP.201
TCP 5555 Noxcape.100, Noxcape.200
TCP 5695 Assassin.100
TCP 5714 WinCrash.100
TCP 5741 WinCrash.100
TCP 5742 WinCrash.103
TCP 5802 Y3KRat.160
TCP 5810 Y3KRat.160
TCP 5838 Y3KRat.170
TCP 5858 Y3KRat.110, Y3KRat.120, Y3KRat.140
TCP 5880 Y3KRat.140
TCP 5881 Y3KRat.110, Y3KRat.120, Y3KRat.140
TCP 5882 Y3KRat.100, Y3KRat.110, Y3KRat.120, Y3KRat.140, Y3KRat.150
TCP 5883 Y3KRat.110, Y3KRat.140
TCP 5884 Y3KRat.140, Y3KRat.150
TCP 5885 Y3KRat.110, Y3KRat.120, Y3KRat.140
TCP 5886 Y3KRat.120, Y3KRat.140
TCP 5887 Y3KRat.110, Y3KRat.120, Y3KRat.140
TCP 5888 Y3KRat.100, Y3KRat.110, Y3KRat.120, Y3KRat.140, Y3KRat.150
TCP 5889 Y3KRat.100, Y3KRat.110, Y3KRat.120, Y3KRat.140, Y3KRat.150
TCP 5890 Y3KRat.140
TCP 6400 Thething.100, Thething.150
TCP 6556 AutoSpy.120, AutoSpy.122
TCP 6655 Aqua.020
TCP 6660 LameSpy.095
TCP 6666 LameRemote.100, ProjectMayhem.100
TCP 6669 Vampire.100
TCP 6670 DeepThroat.200, DeepThroat.210
TCP 6671 DeepThroat.310
TCP 6699 HostControl.101
TCP 6711 DeepThroat.300, Noknok.820, SubSeven.180, SubSeven.190
TCP 6712 Subseven.100
TCP 6713 Subseven.100
TCP 6767 NTRC.120
TCP 6776 SubSeven.180, SubSeven.190, Subseven.200
TCP 6789 Doly.200
TCP 6796 SubSeven.214
TCP 6912 ShitHeep.100
TCP 6939 Indoctrination.100
TCP 6953 Lithium.100
TCP 6969 2000Cracks.100, Bigorna.100, Danton.110, Danton.210, Danton.220, Danton.310, Danton.320, Danton.330, GateCrasher.110, NetController.108, Sparta.110, VagrNocker.120
TCP 6970 Danton.330
TCP 7001 Freak88.100
TCP 7119 Massaker.100
TCP 7200 Massaker.110
TCP 7300 Coced.221
TCP 7301 Coced.221
TCP 7306 NetSpy.200, NetSpy.200
TCP 7410 Phoenix.190, Phoenix.200
TCP 7511 Genue.100
TCP 7609 Snid.120, Snid.212
TCP 7614 Wollf.130
TCP 7648 BlackStar.100, Ghost.230
TCP 7788 Last.2000, Matrix.200
TCP 7826 MiniOblivion.010, Oblivion.010
TCP 7887 SmallFun.110
TCP 7891 Revenger.100
TCP 7979 VagrNocker.200
TCP 7997 VagrNocker.200
TCP 8000 XConsole.100
TCP 8011 Way.240
TCP 8012 Ptakks.215, Ptakks.217
TCP 8110 LoseLove.100
TCP 8111 LoseLove.100
TCP 8301 LoseLove.100
TCP 8302 LoseLove.100
TCP 8372 NetBoy.100
TCP 8720 Connection.130
TCP 8734 AutoSpy.110
TCP 8811 Force.155
TCP 8899 Last.2000
TCP 9000 Aristotles.100
TCP 9301 LoseLove.100
TCP 9400 InCommand.100, InCommand.110, InCommand.120, InCommand.130, InCommand.140, InCommand.150, InCommand.153, InCommand.160, InCommand.167, InCommand.170
TCP 9401 InCommand.100, InCommand.110, InCommand.170
TCP 9402 InCommand.100, InCommand.110
TCP 9561 CRatPro.110
TCP 9563 CRatPro.110
TCP 9580 TheefLE.100
TCP 9696 Danton.210, Ghost.230
TCP 9697 Danton.320, Danton.330, Ghost.230
TCP 9870 R3C.100
TCP 9872 PortalOfDoom.100
TCP 9873 PortalOfDoom.100
TCP 9874 PortalOfDoom.100
TCP 9875 PortalOfDoom.100
TCP 9876 Rux.100, SheepGoat.100
TCP 9877 SmallBigBrother.020
TCP 9878 SmallBigBrother.020, TransmissionScout.100, TransmissionScout.110, TransmissionScout.120
TCP 9879 SmallBigBrother.020
TCP 9999 ForcedEntry.100, Infra.100, Prayer.120, Prayer.130, TakeOver.200, TakeOver.300
TCP 10001 DTr.130, DTr.140
TCP 10013 Amanda.200
TCP 10067 PortalOfDoom.100
TCP 10100 Gift.240
TCP 10101 NewSilencer.100
TCP 10167 PortalOfDoom.100
TCP 10528 HostControl.100, HostControl.260
TCP 10607 Coma.109
TCP 10666 Ambush.100
TCP 11011 Amanda.200
TCP 11050 HostControl.101
TCP 11051 HostControl.100, HostControl.260
TCP 11223 AntiNuke.100, Progenic.100, Progenic.110
TCP 11225 Cyn.100, Cyn.103, Cyn.120
TCP 11306 Noknok.800, Noknok.820
TCP 11831 Katux.200, Latinus.140, Latinus.150, Pest.100, Pest.400
TCP 11991 PitfallSurprise.100
TCP 12043 Frenzy.2000
TCP 12345 Fade.100, Netbus.160, Netbus.170, VagrNocker.400
TCP 12346 Netbus.160, Netbus.170
TCP 12348 Bionet.210, Bionet.261, Bionet.280, Bionet.302, Bionet.305, Bionet.311, Bionet.313, Bionet.316, Bionet.317
TCP 12349 Bionet.084, Bionet.261, Bionet.280, Bionet.302, Bionet.305, Bionet.311, Bionet.313, Bionet.314, Bionet.316, Bionet.317, Bionet.401, Bionet.402
TCP 12389 KheSanh.210
TCP 12478 Bionet.210
TCP 12623 Buttman.090, Buttman.100
TCP 12624 Buttman.090, Buttman.100
TCP 12625 Buttman.100
TCP 12904 Akropolis.100, Rocks.100
TCP 13473 Chupacabra.100
TCP 13753 AFTP.010
TCP 14100 Eurosol.100
TCP 14194 CyberSpy.840
TCP 14286 HellDriver.100
TCP 14500 PCInvader.050, PCInvader.060, PCInvader.070
TCP 14501 PCInvader.060, PCInvader.070
TCP 14502 PCInvader.050, PCInvader.060, PCInvader.070
TCP 14503 PCInvader.050, PCInvader.060, PCInvader.070
TCP 14504 PCInvader.050, PCInvader.060
TCP 15092 HostControl.100, HostControl.260
TCP 15382 SubZero.100
TCP 15432 Cyn.210
TCP 15555 ICMIBC.100
TCP 16322 LastDoor.100
TCP 16484 MoSucker.110
TCP 16661 Dfch.010
TCP 16969 Progenic.100
TCP 16982 AcidShiver.100
TCP 17300 Kuang.200
TCP 17499 CrazzyNet.370, CrazzyNet.375, CrazzyNet.521
TCP 17500 CrazzyNet.370, CrazzyNet.375, CrazzyNet.521
TCP 17569 Infector.141, Infector.160, Infector.170, Infector.180, Infector.190, Infector.200, Intruder.100, Intruder.100
TCP 17593 AudioDoor.120
TCP 19191 BlueFire.035, BlueFire.041
TCP 19604 Metal.270
TCP 19605 Metal.270
TCP 19991 Dfch.010
TCP 20000 Millenium.100
TCP 20001 Millenium.100, PshychoFiles.180
TCP 20002 AcidKor.100, PshychoFiles.180
TCP 20005 MoSucker.200, MoSucker.210, MoSucker.220
TCP 21212 Schwindler.182
TCP 21554 Exploiter.100, Exploiter.110, Girlfriend.130, GirlFriend.135
TCP 21579 Breach.2001
TCP 21584 Breach.2001
TCP 21684 Intruse.134
TCP 22068 AcidShiver.110
TCP 22115 Cyn.120
TCP 22222 Prosiak.047, Ruler.141, Rux.300, Rux.400, Rux.500, Rux.600
TCP 22223 Rux.400, Rux.500, Rux.600
TCP 22456 Bla.200, Bla.503
TCP 22457 AcidShiver.120, Bla.200, Bla.503
TCP 22784 Intruzzo.110
TCP 22845 Breach.450
TCP 22847 Breach.450
TCP 23005 Infinaeon.110, NetTrash.100, Oxon.110, WinRat.100
TCP 23006 Infinaeon.110, NetTrash.100, Oxon.110, WinRat.100
TCP 23032 Amanda.200
TCP 23432 Asylum.010, Asylum.012, Asylum.013, Asylum.014, MiniAsylum.110
TCP 23456 EvilFTP.100, VagrNocker.400
TCP 23476 DonaldDick.153, DonaldDick.154, DonaldDick.155
TCP 23477 DonaldDick.153
TCP 24000 Infector.170
TCP 24307 Wildek.020
TCP 25386 MoonPie.220
TCP 25486 MoonPie.220
TCP 25555 FreddyK.100, FreddyK.200
TCP 25556 FreddyK.100
TCP 25685 MoonPie.010, MoonPie.012, MoonPie.130, MoonPie.220, MoonPie.240, MoonPie.400
TCP 25686 MoonPie.135, MoonPie.200, MoonPie.400
TCP 25982 MoonPie.135, MoonPie.200
TCP 26274 Delta.050
TCP 27160 MoonPie.135, MoonPie.200
TCP 27184 Alvgus.100, Alvgus.800
TCP 27374 Muerte.110, Subseven.210, SubSeven.213
TCP 28429 Hack'a'Tack.2000
TCP 28430 Hack'a'Tack.2000
TCP 28431 Hack'a'Tack.2000
TCP 28432 Hack'a'Tack.2000
TCP 28433 Hack'a'Tack.2000
TCP 28434 Hack'a'Tack.2000
TCP 28435 Hack'a'Tack.2000
TCP 28436 Hack'a'Tack.2000
TCP 29559 DuckToy.100, DuckToy.101, Katux.200, Latinus.140, Latinus.150, Pest.100, Pest.400
TCP 29891 Unexplained.100
TCP 30000 Infector.170
TCP 30001 Error32.100
TCP 30003 LamersDeath.100
TCP 30029 AOLTrojan.110
TCP 30100 NetSphere.127, NetSphere.130, NetSphere.131
TCP 30101 NetSphere.127, NetSphere.130, NetSphere.131
TCP 30102 NetSphere.127, NetSphere.130, NetSphere.131
TCP 30103 NetSphere.131
TCP 30947 Intruse.134
TCP 31320 LittleWitch.400, LittleWitch.420
TCP 31337 BackOrifice.120, Khaled.100, OPC.200
TCP 31415 Lithium.101
TCP 31416 Lithium.100, Lithium.101
TCP 31557 Xanadu.110
TCP 31631 CleptoManicos.100
TCP 31745 Buschtrommel.100, Buschtrommel.122
TCP 31785 Hack'a'Tack.100, Hack'a'Tack.112
TCP 31787 Hack'a'Tack.100, Hack'a'Tack.112
TCP 31789 Hack'a'Tack.100, Hack'a'Tack.112
TCP 31791 Hack'a'Tack.100, Hack'a'Tack.112
TCP 31887 BDDT.100
TCP 31889 BDDT.100
TCP 32100 ProjectNext.053
TCP 32418 AcidBattery.100
TCP 32791 Akropolis.100, Rocks.100
TCP 33291 RemoteHak.001
TCP 33333 Blackharaz.100, Prosiak.047, SubSeven.214
TCP 33577 SonOfPsychward.020
TCP 34324 TelnetServer.100
TCP 34763 Infector.180, Infector.190, Infector.200
TCP 35000 Infector.190, Infector.200
TCP 35600 Subsari.140
TCP 36794 BugBear.100
TCP 37237 Mantis.020
TCP 37651 YAT.210
TCP 37653 YAT.310
TCP 40308 Subsari.140
TCP 40412 TheSpy.100
TCP 40421 MastersParadise.970
TCP 40422 MastersParadise.970
TCP 40999 DiemsMutter.110, DiemsMutter.140
TCP 41626 Shah.100
TCP 44444 Prosiak.070
TCP 45673 Akropolis.100, Rocks.100
TCP 47262 Delta.050
TCP 48006 Fragglerock.200
TCP 49683 HolzPferd.210
TCP 50000 Infector.180
TCP 50130 Enterprise.100
TCP 50766 Fore.100
TCP 51234 Cyn.210
TCP 51966 Cafeini.080, Cafeini.110
TCP 54321 PCInvader.010
TCP 57341 NetRaider.100
TCP 57922 Bionet.084
TCP 58008 Tron.100
TCP 58009 Tron.100
TCP 59090 AcidReign.200
TCP 59211 DuckToy.100, DuckToy.101
TCP 59345 NewFuture.100
TCP 60000 DeepThroat.300, MiniBacklash.100, MiniBacklash.101, MiniBacklash.101
TCP 60411 Connection.100, Connection.130
TCP 60412 Connection.130
TCP 60552 RoxRat.100
TCP 63536 InsaneNetwork.500
TCP 63878 AphexFTP.100
TCP 63879 AphexFTP.100
TCP 64969 Lithium.100
TCP 65000 Socket.100
UDP 1 SocketsDeTroie.250
UDP 666 Bla.200, Bla.400, Bla.503, Noknok.820
UDP 1130 Noknok.800, Noknok.820
UDP 2140 DeepThroat.100, DeepThroat.200, DeepThroat.310
UDP 2989 Rat.200
UDP 3128 MastersParadise.970
UDP 3129 MastersParadise.920, MastersParadise.970
UDP 3150 DeepThroat.100, DeepThroat.200, DeepThroat.310, MiniBacklash.110
UDP 3333 Daodan.123
UDP 3800 Eclypse.100
UDP 3996 RemoteAnything.364
UDP 4000 RemoteAnything.364
UDP 5555 Daodan.123
UDP 5881 Y3KRat.110, Y3KRat.140
UDP 5882 Y3KRat.100, Y3KRat.110, Y3KRat.120, Y3KRat.140, Y3KRat.150
UDP 5883 Y3KRat.110, Y3KRat.140
UDP 5884 Y3KRat.140, Y3KRat.150
UDP 5885 Y3KRat.110, Y3KRat.120, Y3KRat.140
UDP 5886 Y3KRat.120, Y3KRat.140
UDP 5887 Y3KRat.110, Y3KRat.120, Y3KRat.140
UDP 5888 Y3KRat.100, Y3KRat.110, Y3KRat.120, Y3KRat.150
UDP 6953 Lithium.100
UDP 8012 Ptakks.217
UDP 10067 PortalOfDoom.100
UDP 10167 PortalOfDoom.100
UDP 10666 Ambush.100
UDP 11225 Cyn.100, Cyn.103, Cyn.120
UDP 11306 Noknok.800, Noknok.820
UDP 12389 KheSanh.210
UDP 12623 Buttman.090, Buttman.100
UDP 12625 Buttman.100
UDP 14100 Eurosol.100
UDP 23476 DonaldDick.155
UDP 26274 Delta.050
UDP 27184 Alvgus.100
UDP 28431 Hack'a'Tack.2000
UDP 28432 Hack'a'Tack.2000
UDP 28433 Hack'a'Tack.2000
UDP 28434 Hack'a'Tack.2000
UDP 28435 Hack'a'Tack.2000
UDP 28436 Hack'a'Tack.2000
UDP 29891 Unexplained.100
UDP 30103 NetSphere.131
UDP 31320 LittleWitch.400, LittleWitch.420
UDP 31337 BackOrifice.120, OPC.200
UDP 31416 Lithium.100, Lithium.101
UDP 31789 Hack'a'Tack.100, Hack'a'Tack.112
UDP 31791 Hack'a'Tack.100, Hack'a'Tack.112
UDP 33333 Blackharaz.100
UDP 47262 Delta.050
UDP 49683 HolzPferd.210
UDP 60000 MiniBacklash.100